Nursery Ministry

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." // Psalm 127:3
Our Heart for Nursery Ministry
Our Heart for Nursery Ministry

A loving, nurturing nursery ministry is provided during all of our services on Sundays and Wednesdays. Your child is special to God (and to us!) and we want their first impressions of church to be positive as they begin to learn about and experience the love of Jesus. From the time you arrive to check your child in, rest assured that they will be safe, loved, and taught the truth of Scripture.

**All nursery employees and volunteers have completed a background check and proper training prior to serving in the nursery**

Jesus visits Zacchaeus
Jesus visits Zacchaeus

This week, we are learning about how Jesus visits Zacchaeus.

Lesson Focus:

Jesus is a friend to everyone.

Bible Memory Verse:

“He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

Our Team

Debbie Harkness

Nursery Director

Layla Wilson

Nursery Administrative Assistant